Lance Berg
2007-06-30 12:30:36 UTC
Here's the theory in a nutshell; if you have both a mana bar and an HP
bar, and some way of bridging the gap, then your best long term strategy
when soloing is to try and end fights with the two bars more or less even.
As an SK, I have lifetaps and DOTS and nukes. Often, I can win a fight
without using much mana at all, just watch my HP bar take a beating. Or,
I may have the ability to burn mana so heavily that I stay up near full
HP but my mana bar plummets.
Now here's the thing, eventually, unless the content is completely
trivial, I'm going to have to stop and rest up. When this happens, my HP
and mana bars are both going to refresh at the same rate. If I have to
regen 3/4ths my HP and 1/4th my mana, then I'm going to be sitting there
for a while... and 2/3rds that time, my mana bar will be sitting on Full.
If, though, I'd spent more mana, speeding the fight or lifetapping to
keep my HP up, then I could be regening just 1/4th my HP bar, but 3/4ths
my mana. 2/3rds the time, my HP bar will be full, just my mana bar
moving up.
If I timed things right, though I'd be at 1/2 and 1/2, so I'd cut a
third off my total med time. Or assuming relatively easy mobs, I could
keep going until both HP and mana bars were at 3/4ths, sit for the same
amount of time as in the first two examples, but both bars are
refreshing the whole time... and I got more kills in between rests.
It doesn't matter whether you're using that mana on heals or nukes or
debuffs or whatever; if it either makes the mob die faster, or makes
your hp bar plummet more slowly, then its a good use of your resource;
there's nothing more wasteful than sitting there medding up one bar
while the other is full.
For some classes, this might be hard to implement, or even useless; pure
non necro casters might have a hard time using their HP bar efficiently
(mages, chew rods constantly, at least its something). And I don't know
to what extent there's a correlation with the Endurance bar for non
casters; does it refresh as fast as the HP and Mana bars when medding?
But its something to keep in mind, otherwise.
bar, and some way of bridging the gap, then your best long term strategy
when soloing is to try and end fights with the two bars more or less even.
As an SK, I have lifetaps and DOTS and nukes. Often, I can win a fight
without using much mana at all, just watch my HP bar take a beating. Or,
I may have the ability to burn mana so heavily that I stay up near full
HP but my mana bar plummets.
Now here's the thing, eventually, unless the content is completely
trivial, I'm going to have to stop and rest up. When this happens, my HP
and mana bars are both going to refresh at the same rate. If I have to
regen 3/4ths my HP and 1/4th my mana, then I'm going to be sitting there
for a while... and 2/3rds that time, my mana bar will be sitting on Full.
If, though, I'd spent more mana, speeding the fight or lifetapping to
keep my HP up, then I could be regening just 1/4th my HP bar, but 3/4ths
my mana. 2/3rds the time, my HP bar will be full, just my mana bar
moving up.
If I timed things right, though I'd be at 1/2 and 1/2, so I'd cut a
third off my total med time. Or assuming relatively easy mobs, I could
keep going until both HP and mana bars were at 3/4ths, sit for the same
amount of time as in the first two examples, but both bars are
refreshing the whole time... and I got more kills in between rests.
It doesn't matter whether you're using that mana on heals or nukes or
debuffs or whatever; if it either makes the mob die faster, or makes
your hp bar plummet more slowly, then its a good use of your resource;
there's nothing more wasteful than sitting there medding up one bar
while the other is full.
For some classes, this might be hard to implement, or even useless; pure
non necro casters might have a hard time using their HP bar efficiently
(mages, chew rods constantly, at least its something). And I don't know
to what extent there's a correlation with the Endurance bar for non
casters; does it refresh as fast as the HP and Mana bars when medding?
But its something to keep in mind, otherwise.