Post by fabioOur pets are often like our children. We feed them, we look after them
and we keep them safe from harm. However, as with children you cannot
wrap them in cotton wool and sometimes accidents can occur or
illnesses can …
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Well, since I'm an SK, I have to admit, not much.
I mean, he's better than a druid pet, but less than a shaman pet, much
less the "real" pet classes.
There were levels where he wasn't even as good as a cleric pet... oddly,
I think he was pretty much always better than a wizard pet even though
they are really the same, because a wizard doesn't get his till a couple
levels later, and by then its not as obviously a problem.
I -can- wrap him in cotton wool, which is to say, I bought the Suspend
Minion AA's, and for that matter the Hold AA, which really is more
servicable most of the time. Trouble is, Hold doesn't help against AE,
and there's nothing really that does, so the little guy tends to drop in
raids no matter what I do.
Luckily, a bone chip, a little mana, and he's back, and the only trouble
with that is, getting him all buffed up and geared up again is a pain,
which is where suspend comes in, if I know whats coming up I can just
shove him in a hole where he's safe unless I die... an all too frequent
fate for the little guy though.