2008-01-09 13:50:46 UTC
I have a 75 raid geared cleric who can hold his own well in any older
content and on a separate account some new characters I am leveling, the
highest of which is a 70 monk. I'd like to raise money to fund tradeskills
leveling as well as gear for my new characters. The cleric is a semi-retired
main of many years and now I'd rather enjoy my new guys in the group game.
But the cost of things in the bazaar is crazy so I need to get out there and
farm for cash somehow.
I actually enjoy playing one character at a time a lot more than two and
resort to boxing only when its helpful late nights or for rezzes, buffs,
etc. Even my little guys, rather than PL them with the cleric I prefer to
give them a nice long temp and send them on thier merry way. Wandering off
topic here but I am raising a sk, necro and mage along with the monk and so
far the monk is the new main of sorts but I've been thinking probably the
necro should be as I need nobody else to go have some fun if friends are
asleep and I am not.
Back to the matter at hand, what zones would be good for my cleric to farm
would you guys think? He does runs through Veksar easily and the tribute
items are nice but things there don't sell like they used to. A mage friend
of mine used to like Cobalt Scar and Siren's Grotto I think but I forget
why. I never did play much at all in Old Seb so that would probably be a lot
of fun but its also probably perma-camped to this day by people farming the
Kunark armors, etc. there.
I haven't checked and probably should but maybe just grinding some AA solo
in Halls of Honor would be good and sell all the ores, etc. The thing is I
am starting Smithing now so I'd hate to part with any of that until I reach
my goals there.
Please don't mind me rambling on. I am famous for this. Any suggestions
where either the monk or the cleric or perhaps both could farm/xp would be
great. I'd love to spend some time at this so I can outfit my guys with nice
things from the bazaar since I have no intentions of ever raiding again
beyond perhaps epics in a family guild.
I should add that the cleric has almost 700 AA with defensives prior to SoF
maxxed, a mix of anguish gear to TSS tier 4, epic 2, decent augs, etc. and
is a very capable soloer now at least for old world stuff. So it might be
fun to just have him do the farming on his own unless there's a place that I
could combine good xp for the monk with this.
content and on a separate account some new characters I am leveling, the
highest of which is a 70 monk. I'd like to raise money to fund tradeskills
leveling as well as gear for my new characters. The cleric is a semi-retired
main of many years and now I'd rather enjoy my new guys in the group game.
But the cost of things in the bazaar is crazy so I need to get out there and
farm for cash somehow.
I actually enjoy playing one character at a time a lot more than two and
resort to boxing only when its helpful late nights or for rezzes, buffs,
etc. Even my little guys, rather than PL them with the cleric I prefer to
give them a nice long temp and send them on thier merry way. Wandering off
topic here but I am raising a sk, necro and mage along with the monk and so
far the monk is the new main of sorts but I've been thinking probably the
necro should be as I need nobody else to go have some fun if friends are
asleep and I am not.
Back to the matter at hand, what zones would be good for my cleric to farm
would you guys think? He does runs through Veksar easily and the tribute
items are nice but things there don't sell like they used to. A mage friend
of mine used to like Cobalt Scar and Siren's Grotto I think but I forget
why. I never did play much at all in Old Seb so that would probably be a lot
of fun but its also probably perma-camped to this day by people farming the
Kunark armors, etc. there.
I haven't checked and probably should but maybe just grinding some AA solo
in Halls of Honor would be good and sell all the ores, etc. The thing is I
am starting Smithing now so I'd hate to part with any of that until I reach
my goals there.
Please don't mind me rambling on. I am famous for this. Any suggestions
where either the monk or the cleric or perhaps both could farm/xp would be
great. I'd love to spend some time at this so I can outfit my guys with nice
things from the bazaar since I have no intentions of ever raiding again
beyond perhaps epics in a family guild.
I should add that the cleric has almost 700 AA with defensives prior to SoF
maxxed, a mix of anguish gear to TSS tier 4, epic 2, decent augs, etc. and
is a very capable soloer now at least for old world stuff. So it might be
fun to just have him do the farming on his own unless there's a place that I
could combine good xp for the monk with this.