Post by bizbeePost by Jamie Kahn GenetSo you don't know either? Ok, thanks for making your ignorance clear you
lame little troll *pats you on your head* :-) Does anyone with a _clue_
know why SOE's own links to their store don't work? WTF is going on
Listen you fucking retard, try and leave us the
fuck alone!
You're a fool, so I take pity on you and will explain one last time: go
to Click the store link -
<> - realise it does not work. Follow
confirming it doesn't work for anyone.
Now feel like the brainless moron you should for utterly failing to test
whether I was right, and even failing to follow the links I gave
previously. Instead you choose to make a complete dickhead of yourself
in public by responding as if you were right and I was wrong. Opps.
FYI - I've already solved the problem - SOE failed to make their store
links secure ones - i.e. manually change the http to https and it works.
Pretty sad that all their store links throughout their station site are
broken as a result. But not as sad as your fail here. If only it were
shorter I'd submit it to failblog :-D
Have a nice day you pathetic little brat.
Jamie Kahn Genet
P.S. I'm laughing at you.
P.P.S. A lot.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.