Thursday 9/6/07 Hotfix
(too old to reply)
Lance Berg
2007-09-06 10:42:06 UTC
On Thursday, September 6, 2007 at 6:00 am PDT (7:00 am MDT, 8:00 am CDT,
9:00 am EDT, -7.00 GMT) all EverQuest servers will be coming down for an
emergency Hotfix. The estimated downtime is 3 hours.


Here is what’s going into Thursday morning’s Hotfix:

There were a few technical issues that we addressed today that require a
server update and some downtime. We are sure for those affected they
will welcome the fixes and for everyone else, thank you for your

Legends of Norrath crash related to the 8000 series NVidia cards
- This has been addressed and now the crash and gameplay problems should
be addressed and working as intended.

Legends of Norrath Global Loot Drop
- The loot drop percentage has been fixed and now you will be able to
obtain LoN loot from NPC's in game.

Custom UI's being scrambled when tabbed out to other windows
- We are aware of the problems players are having with custom UI’s and
we are looking into the issue. In the meantime on of our developers has
started a post called UI Problems and Workarounds and it is sticky’d on
the forums. Please refer to that post while we do some work on our end.

New human NPCs loading into global memory
- This has been addressed and the standard Human models have replaced
the models from the Test server.

Weapons with procs not working correctly
- This has been addressed and the weapons that were affected are now
working as intended.
Lance Berg
2007-09-06 10:47:40 UTC
Post by Lance Berg
Weapons with procs not working correctly
- This has been addressed and the weapons that were affected are now
working as intended.
Umm... my understanding was that the NON weapon procs were what were
broken, things like my SK's Shroud of... line buff (proc a lifetap) and
Touch of the Cursed AA (also proc a lifetap).

If instead they merely fixed the augments on my weapon (hmm, proc a
lifetap and proc a lifetap, there seems to be a theme!) I'll be pretty
pissed (due to AA expenditures, the buff and innate procs are MUCH
bigger than the augment procs)

Or worse yet, maybe they only fixed it so things like my primal lance
will proc (not a lifetap, Avatar self buff)? After all, its on a weapon
while none of my other procs technically are.
Lance Berg
2007-09-07 10:01:07 UTC
Post by Lance Berg
Post by Lance Berg
Weapons with procs not working correctly
- This has been addressed and the weapons that were affected are now
working as intended.
Umm... my understanding was that the NON weapon procs were what were
broken, things like my SK's Shroud of... line buff (proc a lifetap) and
Touch of the Cursed AA (also proc a lifetap).
Well, as it happens I didn't play at all between the two patches, so I
don't know what was broken other than via rumor.

I can confirm that after yesterday's 'hotfix' patch, my weapon procs,
augment based weapon procs, buff based procs, and AA based procs were
all firing as usual.
the wharf rat
2007-09-07 14:40:29 UTC
Post by Lance Berg
Well, as it happens I didn't play at all between the two patches, so I
don't know what was broken other than via rumor.
It *seemed* to me that NO combat procs other than built in
weapon procs EVER fired.
2007-09-07 21:44:32 UTC
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Lance Berg
Well, as it happens I didn't play at all between the two patches, so I
don't know what was broken other than via rumor.
It *seemed* to me that NO combat procs other than built in
weapon procs EVER fired.
It was a serious reduction in damage, especially when multiplied across an
entire raid force. An event my guild just about had down to a sure (but
still tight) thing was suddenly undoable. Losing that 10-20% worth of the
raid's damage output was enough to put us under the critical mass necessary
to beat the timed event.
the wharf rat
2007-09-07 23:03:04 UTC
Post by Faned
It was a serious reduction in damage, especially when multiplied across an
Well, at least you weren't out farming stupid yugioh cards
with your earthshaker.

And just think how much worse it would have been if not for Sony's
thorough QA testing.

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