12/12/07 patch notes
(too old to reply)
Lance Berg
2007-12-12 13:15:50 UTC
Game Update: On Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 5:00 am PST (PST is -8
hours GMT: 6:00 am MST, 7:00 am CST, 8:00 am EST, 13:00 GMT), all
EverQuest Live servers will be coming down for a Game Update. The
estimated downtime is 6 hours.

The deadline is approaching for the EverQuest® Dawn of the Clockworks
To celebrate the release of EverQuest Secrets of Faydwerâ„¢, the team is
hosting a new contest. The evil-gnomish necromancer, Meldrath, and his
armies of clockworks have engaged in war against the good City of
Ak'Anon. Community engineers can create real-life clockworks to assist
Good or Evil. For details, visit the official contest page. The contest
ends on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at (11:59 pm, US Pacific Time.

The Season of Frostfell
Being Celebrated in EverQuest December 9th - January 6th: Frostfell will
be celebrated all across Norrath and beyond once again. Frostfell begins
with all of the adventures that return from years past. A new Frostfell
adventure will begin later in the season, bringing new treasures to
acquire. The Season of Frostfell!


Here's a sneak peek at the Game Update Notes for Wednesday December 12th
(Please note that these notes may or may not be changed before the
servers open back up):

*** Items ***

- Retuned portions of the "Tinmyn's Oil Can" task to be more in line
with the reward.
- The enchant Palladium and Dwerium scrolls will do more checks before
allowing you to scribe them.
- Increased the drop rates of the "global" Rank 2 spell drops in Secrets
of Faydwer zones.
- Removed parry focus from several items when no classes could use it.
It will remain on any items where some classes can use the effect.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Fixed an issue with the Golems in Crystallos that would sometimes have
them hitting too hard.
- Increased the number of items that drop from the raids in Meldrath's
Progression Quest from 6 to 12.
- Gridbar Galund will no longer eat items given to him allowing warriors
to continue along their epic quest line.
- Fixed an issue with the Shaman Epic in West Freeport. Talking to the
greater spirit should work now.

*** NPC ***

- The respawn time on Shei Vinitras has been changed to be persistent
through server downs instead of having her spawn up to a day after the
zone comes up.
- Increased the respawn time of Meldrath's Majestic Mansion's base
- The shadows created for the tradeskill quest in hills of shade should
now be less dangerous to the rest of the zone.
- Increased the respawn time (time between NPC respawns) in many SoF zones.
- Merchant Sele has set up shop in Shar Vahl and sells some tailoring
supplies found in other home cities.
- Increased the power of the pets summoned by the beastlord spell Howl
at the Moon.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Cultural metal drops have been adjusted to drop in the proper content now.
- The level 60 to 64 spell parchments should now be properly dropping.
- Legacy Shimmering Nihilite will no longer twist the tools when it is cut.
- Eron now give the rewards for his quest in a less confusing manner.
- Elegant charms have had some mod effects added.
- Fixed a bug with the Elegant charm that prevented it from gaining
stats properly from elegant armor.
- Fixed the naming issue with Legacy Pale Nihilite Recipes.
- The new shimmering Nihilite can now be used to make the old weapon
- Legacy pale nihilite can be cut the same way as crimson nihilite. This
gemstone will undergo an odd transition from the cutting and turn
crimson in color.
- The thickener needed to make enchant metal spells via spell research
has been changed to invigorating thickener.
- High level humanoids no longer value tin and ruined pelts. Instead
they value titanium and flawless animal pelts like they should have.

*** Tasks ***

- The quest to save the scout clockwork in the guardian has been updated
to update the whole group. Because of this, the scout will now only
repop at the rate of other NPC's in the zone, instead of the five minute
repop he was on.

*** AA ***

- Removed the Mana cost from the Call Hither AA.
- Additional ranks of the Druid AA Nature's Boon should increase in
healing as the description states.
- Origin and Silent Presence are no longer on the same timer.
- Fixed a number of text and description issues.
- Set all ranks of Steady Hands and Burst of Power to ignore delevel
(IE: You keep the value of the AA if you lose the level you need to
purchase the AA) to be consistent with other AAs that raise skill caps.
- Shaman were incorrectly left off the AA Hastened Call of the Wild and
this has been fixed.
- The AA Foraging will now not be revoked if you fall below the level
needed to purchase the AA.
- Modified the timers for Arcane Whisper and Fortify Companion so that
they do not conflict.

- The EverQuest Team
Lance Berg
2007-12-12 13:30:56 UTC
Post by Lance Berg
The Season of Frostfell
Being Celebrated in EverQuest December 9th - January 6th: Frostfell will
be celebrated all across Norrath and beyond once again. Frostfell begins
with all of the adventures that return from years past. A new Frostfell
adventure will begin later in the season, bringing new treasures to
acquire. The Season of Frostfell!
My son started this quest last year but didn't get far, ended up
destroying the stocking. He'd like to start again, but can't seem to
get a new stocking to replace the one he destroyed.

I remember some of the missions for this event last year being a lot of
fun, even if I didn't need the rewards, and heck now that I have a
cleric bot and my son's mage is 60, maybe I should revisit the old
ones... looking forward to then new ones as well, even though they mean
disrupting guild efforts to get Qvic armor and COA sigs done cause
people will be off in nooks and crannies of Norrath doing silly
Frostfell missions.
Post by Lance Berg
*** Items ***
- The enchant Palladium and Dwerium scrolls will do more checks before
allowing you to scribe them.
I don't know what that means, did I miss out on getting my SK or Cleric
these spells?
Post by Lance Berg
- Removed parry focus from several items when no classes could use it.
It will remain on any items where some classes can use the effect.
Just removed, not replaced with something of equal utility for the class
that can use the item? Seems kind of lame.
Post by Lance Berg
*** Quests & Events ***
- Fixed an issue with the Shaman Epic in West Freeport. Talking to the
greater spirit should work now.
Issue? There's no issue. Because you can skip the entire epic with the
exception of the first step and the last step. Its good to know that I
wasn't helping that guy cheat the system but instead helping him work
around a bugged epic.
Post by Lance Berg
*** NPC ***
- The respawn time on Shei Vinitras has been changed to be persistent
through server downs instead of having her spawn up to a day after the
zone comes up.
OK now thats just weird, don't most mobs in the game reset their timers
on server up? Why this one obscure mob?

As a side note, we went and killed Shei yesterday for the first time,
just as a lark since we had just cleared Qvic goats so we had a small
raid formed and there was an hour before official raid time. Tinker
robe dropped and as the only gnome expressing an interest...
Post by Lance Berg
- Merchant Sele has set up shop in Shar Vahl and sells some tailoring
supplies found in other home cities.
Nice for the Vah Shir leather and silk classes... ok, the leather class.
Post by Lance Berg
- Increased the power of the pets summoned by the beastlord spell Howl
at the Moon.
I keep hoping they'll fix the surviability of pets in general, more and
more we're hitting targets where pets are just a joke... yes the SK pet
is always a joke but now even beastlord/necro/mage ones are laughable.
Post by Lance Berg
*** Tradeskills ***
- Cultural metal drops have been adjusted to drop in the proper content now.
Er, as in easier to get than before, or harder to get than before?
Post by Lance Berg
- The level 60 to 64 spell parchments should now be properly dropping.
Again, whats properly mean?

Nothing about Unholy Aura, the discipline that continues to do nothing
at all.
Don Woods
2007-12-13 06:36:56 UTC
Post by Lance Berg
Post by Lance Berg
The Season of Frostfell
Being Celebrated in EverQuest December 9th - January 6th: Frostfell will
be celebrated all across Norrath and beyond once again. Frostfell begins
with all of the adventures that return from years past. A new Frostfell
adventure will begin later in the season, bringing new treasures to
acquire. The Season of Frostfell!
My son started this quest last year but didn't get far, ended up
destroying the stocking. He'd like to start again, but can't seem to
get a new stocking to replace the one he destroyed.
Hm, that seems odd. I'm sort of in the reverse position. I saw the
Frostfell NPCs were back (about 12 hours before they actually announced
anything on the forums), so I did the initial pair of quests and got the
stocking. But I still have the stocking from last year, and they're lore.

Now, I know why it's worked so far: the basic stocking is a 2-slot bag,
and what I have from last year is the 10-slot 100% WR version, and they
are really different items with the same name. But I'm wondering what
will happen if I do the later quests to improve the new stocking? Will
I eventually do the final turn-in and get a "duplicate lore items are not
allowed" message and lose the second stocking, or what?

I probably wouldn't have bothered repeating the quests -- was mostly
refreshing my memory of what's involved so I could decide which new alts
should do them -- but the forum post says there'll be a new quest added
this year, and I don't know if it affects the stocking or not!
Post by Lance Berg
Post by Lance Berg
- The level 60 to 64 spell parchments should now be properly dropping.
Again, whats properly mean?
With the release of SoF, the stationeries used for spell research were
supposed to start dropping off caster-type mobs everywhere, instead of
just in TSS and DoDH zones. I know there was a problem with some levels
of the stuff, which got fixed a couple weeks back; didn't know there was
still an issue with level 60-64, but I guess there was.

-- Don.

-- See the a.g.e/EQ1 FAQ at http://www.iCynic.com/~don/EQ/age.faq.htm
-- Sukrasisx, Monk 72 on E. Marr Note: If you reply by mail,
-- Terrwini, Druid 60 on E. Marr I'll get to it sooner if you
-- Teviron, Knight 59 on E. Marr remove the "hyphen n s"
-- Wizbeau, Wizard 36 on E. Marr
