Post by the wharf ratPost by ImpmonImagine the howl of protest when 1 month worth of xping, 1 month of
gears, 1 month of complicated quests, etc all wiped because most of
them didn't know.
Something I don't understand is if Sony was aware of this problem
why not have a GM drop by the bazaar once a day and look for someone with
200 haversacks for 1K each?
Because only moron would reveal the whole hand early in this bug. This
is hearsay but some smarter players opted to store most of the duped
bags on corpses since corpses are rarely checked. Then they would
take a few out to sell at a time giving the illusion of having only a
few in stock the whole time.
As I understand, once SOE became aware of the bug, they watched
Caerlyna for unusual large number of bags to tokens exchange, and
sometimes followed player who came in bazaar just to get 2 identical
bags (leatherfoot haversack, AAAA, and tae ew hide sack) and watched
the player for suspicious activity. There were ways to get around but
most got caught anyway, were stripped of ill gotten loot, and usually
given a 1 week suspension for taking advantage of the bug in violation
of EULA.
What I don't understand was why didn't SOE slip in a quick fix that
made all bags worth nothing to vendor since it was the vendor bug that
caused it.
For those that aren't familiar with this particular duping exploit,
since it is now >> nerfed, << I can safely explain. Have you noticed
when you try to sell any bags or containers to vendor, sometimes the
vendor would refuse? If you checked the vendor inventory after the
vendor refused, the in stock quality increased. TYhis has been an
issue for over a month.
So get 2 rare and desirable bags that are dropable and not lore, sell
one to a vendor in an empty zone, then spam selling second bag. The
second bag won't actually sell but the vendor stock will go up. Then
you buy back all the bags, and sell it for fast money. Some have
claimed to get as many as 100 per hour by hand clicking, more using
macro program (another EULA violation here) Then sell it really
Most of the moron who were caught after SOE found out about the
exploit were those that had large number of supposedly rare bags,
selling them really cheap like AAAA for 90k instead of normal 150k to
200k, or just got careless and blabbed.
Duped bags are still around but those numbers are very small. I don't
know if SOE is still checking the log for exploit abusers who knew
before SOE did so, I'd say avoid buying those 3 most duped bags for a
couple weeks: AAAA, tae ew hide sacks, and leatherofoot haversacks.
*** disgust me. *** spams a lot in game
so I am posting *** as often as possible so ***
would start getting spammed *** eye for an eye. for good
luck, *** and ***