Camp Check
(too old to reply)
2007-05-31 23:16:31 UTC
Partly to kick up some more activity, partly just to slate my own
curiosity, what servers are people here primarily playing on these

I'm still lounging about Luclin, working on making lvl 59 so I can get
my SK pony.

And somewhat related, where is the new PC hangout? I'm lucky to see 60
~ 70 PC's in PoK during peak hours, most of them just passing through
or looking for increasingly scarce buffs. Not that getting a group
once in a current hot zone is particularly difficult - for that
matter, soloing in the 55-60 hot zone is laughably easy - but I am
wondering where everyone is.
Lord Xiphosuran McPants of the Freeport Militia, 57 SK, Luclin
Don Woods
2007-06-01 00:01:36 UTC
Post by Xiphos
Partly to kick up some more activity, partly just to slate my own
curiosity, what servers are people here primarily playing on these
I'm still lounging about Luclin, working on making lvl 59 so I can get
my SK pony.
And somewhat related, where is the new PC hangout? I'm lucky to see 60
~ 70 PC's in PoK during peak hours, most of them just passing through
or looking for increasingly scarce buffs. Not that getting a group
once in a current hot zone is particularly difficult - for that
matter, soloing in the 55-60 hot zone is laughably easy - but I am
wondering where everyone is.
Lord Xiphosuran McPants of the Freeport Militia, 57 SK, Luclin
All my characters are on EMarr. I don't know where the hangout is,
though judging from where I see my guildies (most of whom are in the
70+ range) I'd guess everyone's in Buried Sea zones working on faction
and/or trying to get whatever neat new toys are available at that level.

The population in the hot zones varies; given the hours I play I often
have them to myself, but when I'm there earlier in the evening I do see
at least a few groups hunting. Alas, sometimes what I see is someone
getting PLed, which makes it hard for level-appropriate characters to
do much. I wish people would be more considerate about not wiping out
zones where others are trying to hunt.

-- Don.

p.s.: My SK recently dinged 58 and has the AAs saved up for his steed.
One level to go! :-) And since I bought the Anniversary Edition I get
the barding, too! (Am I right that that's just eye candy? No actual
effect on the horse?)

-- See the a.g.e/EQ1 FAQ at http://www.iCynic.com/~don/EQ/age.faq.htm
-- Sukrasisx, Monk 66 on E. Marr Note: If you reply by mail,
-- Terrwini, Druid 58 on E. Marr I'll get to it sooner if you
-- Teviron, Knight 58 on E. Marr remove the "hyphen n s"
-- Wizbeau, Wizard 36 on E. Marr
2007-06-01 16:03:10 UTC
Post by Don Woods
Post by Xiphos
Partly to kick up some more activity, partly just to slate my own
curiosity, what servers are people here primarily playing on these
I'm still lounging about Luclin, working on making lvl 59 so I can get
my SK pony.
And somewhat related, where is the new PC hangout? I'm lucky to see 60
~ 70 PC's in PoK during peak hours, most of them just passing through
or looking for increasingly scarce buffs. Not that getting a group
once in a current hot zone is particularly difficult - for that
matter, soloing in the 55-60 hot zone is laughably easy - but I am
wondering where everyone is.
Lord Xiphosuran McPants of the Freeport Militia, 57 SK, Luclin
All my characters are on EMarr. I don't know where the hangout is,
though judging from where I see my guildies (most of whom are in the
70+ range) I'd guess everyone's in Buried Sea zones working on faction
and/or trying to get whatever neat new toys are available at that level.
I dared a venture into the TBS zones after getting the Anniversary
pack. Fell off the boat while running around right after zoning in to
TBS, spent the next hour cautiosly swimming around, trying not to
aggro the various very red mobs, thanking Cazic for having FD.
Eventually I stumbled upon the zone in to Catta. Spent another few
hours just wandering about, talking to NPC's and being told I was not
strong enough.
Didn't see very many PC's, though.
Post by Don Woods
The population in the hot zones varies; given the hours I play I often
have them to myself, but when I'm there earlier in the evening I do see
at least a few groups hunting. Alas, sometimes what I see is someone
getting PLed, which makes it hard for level-appropriate characters to
do much. I wish people would be more considerate about not wiping out
zones where others are trying to hunt.
Happily, I don't see a lot of PLing in Acrylia, but it does seem to
run rampant in Draniks Scar. I suppose the draw of the pre-existing
augs + HZ augs is strong.
Post by Don Woods
-- Don.
p.s.: My SK recently dinged 58 and has the AAs saved up for his steed.
One level to go! :-) And since I bought the Anniversary Edition I get
the barding, too! (Am I right that that's just eye candy? No actual
effect on the horse?)
My understanding is not only is it just added eye-candy for the horse,
it also only affects bridled horses, and not knight horses. Anyone
know for certain?
Xiphos - Pony Fights III!
Don Woods
2007-06-01 20:47:14 UTC
Post by Xiphos
Post by Don Woods
p.s.: My SK recently dinged 58 and has the AAs saved up for his steed.
One level to go! :-) And since I bought the Anniversary Edition I get
the barding, too! (Am I right that that's just eye candy? No actual
effect on the horse?)
My understanding is not only is it just added eye-candy for the horse,
it also only affects bridled horses, and not knight horses. Anyone
know for certain?
The game update notes from the Prophecy of Ro release:


include this item:

- /Claim Item - If you have received the Prophecy of Ro /claim item from
the retail box, Stable Ward Kyle in the Bazaar may be able to help you
use it to upgrade your old horse to a warhorse. Paladins or Shadowknights
who have the Holy or Unholy Steed AAs and the /claim item can upgrade
their special mounts to a warhorse by visiting Stable Ward Rames as well.

(I think I read that it modifies or replaces your AA so that it summons
a barded horse.)

-- Don.

-- See the a.g.e/EQ1 FAQ at http://www.iCynic.com/~don/EQ/age.faq.htm
-- Sukrasisx, Monk 66 on E. Marr Note: If you reply by mail,
-- Terrwini, Druid 58 on E. Marr I'll get to it sooner if you
-- Teviron, Knight 58 on E. Marr remove the "hyphen n s"
-- Wizbeau, Wizard 36 on E. Marr
2007-06-06 17:30:32 UTC
Post by Don Woods
Post by Xiphos
Post by Don Woods
p.s.: My SK recently dinged 58 and has the AAs saved up for his steed.
One level to go! :-) And since I bought the Anniversary Edition I get
the barding, too! (Am I right that that's just eye candy? No actual
effect on the horse?)
My understanding is not only is it just added eye-candy for the horse,
it also only affects bridled horses, and not knight horses. Anyone
know for certain?
- /Claim Item - If you have received the Prophecy of Ro /claim item from
the retail box, Stable Ward Kyle in the Bazaar may be able to help you
use it to upgrade your old horse to a warhorse. Paladins or Shadowknights
who have the Holy or Unholy Steed AAs and the /claim item can upgrade
their special mounts to a warhorse by visiting Stable Ward Rames as well.
(I think I read that it modifies or replaces your AA so that it summons
a barded horse.)
-- Don.
I stand corrected! Thanks for that.
Now I have to decide if I want to have the old horse model or the
warhorse model.
Lord Xiphosuran McPants of the Crusaders of Greenmist
57 SK, Luclin
2007-06-01 18:11:34 UTC
Yepp, EMarr here too, all 12 of me toons (In TBS accent). You know I
may get to see TBS someday. Still trying to catch up (and never will
I guess, being non raid guilded and such). There is a ton of content
now and I'm happy messing in TSS or old world zones.

Just got my first toon to 75 the other day. Been working him for 7

Post by Xiphos
Partly to kick up some more activity, partly just to slate my own
curiosity, what servers are people here primarily playing on these
I'm still lounging about Luclin, working on making lvl 59 so I can get
my SK pony.
And somewhat related, where is the new PC hangout? I'm lucky to see 60
~ 70 PC's in PoK during peak hours, most of them just passing through
or looking for increasingly scarce buffs. Not that getting a group
once in a current hot zone is particularly difficult - for that
matter, soloing in the 55-60 hot zone is laughably easy - but I am
wondering where everyone is.
Tony Evans
2007-06-01 19:13:53 UTC
Post by Xiphos
curiosity, what servers are people here primarily playing on these
Fennin Ro (all my toons)
Post by Xiphos
And somewhat related, where is the new PC hangout? I'm lucky to see 60
~ 70 PC's in PoK during peak hours,
Guild Hall - buffs don't count down. People have asked for the same
feature in the guild lobby (since it's non instanced, it should encourage
gathering of people in one place).
Post by Xiphos
matter, soloing in the 55-60 hot zone is laughably easy - but I am
wondering where everyone is.
XP-wise I think people are generally hanging around in TSS zones and TBS
Tony Evans (ICQ : 170850)
GCv312 GCS d s+:++ a C+++ UAL++++$ P+ L++ E W(++) N+++(N--) w++$ R+ tv-- b++
Earn cash in your spare time -- blackmail friends.
Gemmell Mania : http://www.gemmellmania.co.uk
2007-06-02 20:36:26 UTC
On Fri, 01 Jun 2007 20:13:53 +0100, Tony Evans
Post by Tony Evans
Guild Hall - buffs don't count down. People have asked for the same
feature in the guild lobby (since it's non instanced, it should encourage
gathering of people in one place).
This is live on Test right now so expect it next patch.
Schadenfreude of Bristlebane
2007-06-03 11:35:12 UTC
Post by Schadenfreude
On Fri, 01 Jun 2007 20:13:53 +0100, Tony Evans
Post by Tony Evans
Guild Hall - buffs don't count down. People have asked for the same
feature in the guild lobby (since it's non instanced, it should encourage
gathering of people in one place).
This is live on Test right now so expect it next patch.
Good to hear. I know Test is different so it may not have the same
effect, but have you found more people gathering in the Lobby than
Tony Evans
Saving trees and wasting electrons since 1993
blog -> http://perception-is-truth.blogspot.com/
[ anything below this line wasn't written by me ]
2007-06-03 19:04:01 UTC
Post by Tony
Post by Schadenfreude
Post by Tony Evans
Guild Hall - buffs don't count down. People have asked for the same
feature in the guild lobby (since it's non instanced, it should encourage
gathering of people in one place).
This is live on Test right now so expect it next patch.
Good to hear. I know Test is different so it may not have the same
effect, but have you found more people gathering in the Lobby than
I'm not often on Test but the population is so low it'd be hard to
tell. Should help tease people out of the instanced GH on live
servers which is good.
Schadenfreude of Bristlebane
2007-06-06 18:06:03 UTC
Post by Tony Evans
Where is the new PC hangout? I'm lucky to see 60
~ 70 PC's in PoK during peak hours,
Guild Hall - buffs don't count down. People have asked for the same
feature in the guild lobby (since it's non instanced, it should encourage
gathering of people in one place).
Hmm. Perhaps the guild I'm in is just very small, very inactive, or
both. I don't usually see more than one or two people in GH.
Stupid instancing zones... ;)
Post by Tony Evans
matter, soloing in the 55-60 hot zone is laughably easy - but I am
wondering where everyone is.
XP-wise I think people are generally hanging around in TSS zones and TBS
I just started exploring TSS zones this week, and I do have to say it
really has been all it's been hyped up to be and a piece of toast.
While the Santa GM trend still grates on me, at this point there's no
going back. The quests, regardless of reward, have been terribly fun -
I've done a couple of class-inapropriate quests now just because it
fit my character. The zones all beautiful, the ground spawn graphics
wonderfully rich and varied (no more non-descript brown baggies :D ),
and even though some would say it's a minor thing I was really tickled
when I was burned while walking on a camp fire, into a furnace, or
anything else with fire.

There were some irritating but understandable invisible saftey rails
in place, but on the whole I've really liked what I've seen. And
while I've not seen anyone in my level range yet (but also haven't
ventured to the level appropriate zones yet - still working on
catching up on the various story arc/advancement quests) I have seen
several people in each zone.

That there were a chance the old world content would ever be upgraded
to this level. Don't get me wrong, I've really liked the old world
zone revamps, but so far they've been largely graphical. Without a
content revamp to go along with it, there's not much to draw people to
it. And that's really my biggest gripe with TSS - it's too good and
too self-enclosed. It really is its own full game within the game.

I'll close out saying I'm excited at the prospect of the upcoming
expansion, genuinely excited!
Xiphos - Working on various TSS augs, items, and good old fasion fun!
2007-09-05 07:04:59 UTC
On Wed, 06 Jun 2007 11:06:03 -0700, Xiphos <***@rahul.net> wrote:
Druzzil Ro here.
I am in a large guild and I can confirm that it is a combination of
TBS and the Guild Hall where people hang out.

As to the barding in relation to the pally/SK horses there is a guard
in the stables in the Bazaar that you hail, make sure you have
/claimed the barding, follow along with the text and he 'applies' the
barding to your summoned horse. You will still have the barding bridal
tho and it will summon a barded horse but it is equal to the slowest
horse for movement.

My main: Corelulos lvl 72 paladin
Guild: Coniglietto Avariatto, our guild is a family/raiding type
guild. We accept unguilded players of any level and usually have 40
plus players on at a time.

Raiding in our guild is non mandatory and loot is officer awarded. I
have been in a highend DKP guild as well and I can say at first I was
dubious about the officer awarded loot, however the officers are
actually very fair about the loot.

If you play on Druzzil Ro and CA sounds like the type of guild you
would like to join send anyone a tell and ask for an officer, there is
usually one or more online.
Post by Xiphos
Post by Tony Evans
Where is the new PC hangout? I'm lucky to see 60
~ 70 PC's in PoK during peak hours,
Guild Hall - buffs don't count down. People have asked for the same
feature in the guild lobby (since it's non instanced, it should encourage
gathering of people in one place).
Hmm. Perhaps the guild I'm in is just very small, very inactive, or
both. I don't usually see more than one or two people in GH.
Stupid instancing zones... ;)
Post by Tony Evans
matter, soloing in the 55-60 hot zone is laughably easy - but I am
wondering where everyone is.
XP-wise I think people are generally hanging around in TSS zones and TBS
I just started exploring TSS zones this week, and I do have to say it
really has been all it's been hyped up to be and a piece of toast.
While the Santa GM trend still grates on me, at this point there's no
going back. The quests, regardless of reward, have been terribly fun -
I've done a couple of class-inapropriate quests now just because it
fit my character. The zones all beautiful, the ground spawn graphics
wonderfully rich and varied (no more non-descript brown baggies :D ),
and even though some would say it's a minor thing I was really tickled
when I was burned while walking on a camp fire, into a furnace, or
anything else with fire.
There were some irritating but understandable invisible saftey rails
in place, but on the whole I've really liked what I've seen. And
while I've not seen anyone in my level range yet (but also haven't
ventured to the level appropriate zones yet - still working on
catching up on the various story arc/advancement quests) I have seen
several people in each zone.
That there were a chance the old world content would ever be upgraded
to this level. Don't get me wrong, I've really liked the old world
zone revamps, but so far they've been largely graphical. Without a
content revamp to go along with it, there's not much to draw people to
it. And that's really my biggest gripe with TSS - it's too good and
too self-enclosed. It really is its own full game within the game.
I'll close out saying I'm excited at the prospect of the upcoming
expansion, genuinely excited!
Pris Flynn
2007-06-02 01:57:10 UTC
Post by Xiphos
Partly to kick up some more activity, partly just to slate my own
curiosity, what servers are people here primarily playing on these
I'm still lounging about Luclin, working on making lvl 59 so I can get
my SK pony.
And somewhat related, where is the new PC hangout? I'm lucky to see 60
~ 70 PC's in PoK during peak hours, most of them just passing through
or looking for increasingly scarce buffs. Not that getting a group
once in a current hot zone is particularly difficult - for that
matter, soloing in the 55-60 hot zone is laughably easy - but I am
wondering where everyone is.
Lord Xiphosuran McPants of the Freeport Militia, 57 SK, Luclin
Bristlebane reporting in

And I confirm for my server what Tony Evans said about his.