Post by Mark RafnPost by cIt seems is just a ghost. I'll probably consult it for
some epic advice, but I'd like some explanation about the newest AA's
and hear what other chantys have to say. Is there some other site for
If you find it, let me know. The serverwide.enchanter:enchanter channel is
pretty dead, too, but there's usually people on who'll answer questions.
Oh, i forgot those existed. I'll check that out, just in case.
Post by Mark RafnPost by cAs far as AA's go, though, that's where I'm trying to find guidance
and not really getting anywhere. Would love some suggestions.
Here's as good a place as any! Which ones are you considering? Which ones do
you already have, and consider great or useless?
Hmm. Well, why not? Good call.
I have stasis but it doesn't work in ashengate, the orc/drake/statue
70+ zone of whatever expansion (tss?). I think since nightmare stasis
exists and scales up to 78 at rank 3 (2 lvls and an extra minute per
rank), then regular stasis (i got level 1 just to test it) must cap at
70 or 72 (?). I don't have any of this in front of me, i don't have
the numbers. It was frustrating to see stasis not work there or in
katta castrum missions (tbs, yes?). Stasis seems like a wonderful
skill and i'll more than likely go for the additional ranks. It's
every 72 minutes though, right? So basically like HT or LoH, a low-
risk save-your-ass ace. I really like the way that jives.
I got doppleganger just to mess with it ... i heard there were
problems but either they've been fixed or i've avoided them (problems
= doesn't work if you're in illusion? it does work if you have an
animation out, i was worried about that). The clone has no hp, so it
only works if you're grouped. That seems great though, i'm happy. I
wonder if it is a 100% taunt or what. Can you win aggro back from your
clone? You can, right? Guess i don't know the limits on this skill.
Soothing words ... don't have it, not sure it will be useful. It seems
like targetable jolt (knocks a groupmate/raidmate down the aggro
list), but when do you have a cleric getting beat on for so long that
you can comfortably get this off? I just feel like it would backfire
because the window wouldn't be big enough (i happen to know some
skilled tanks); the mob turns on me or a cleric, i go to click SW, the
tank busts AE taunt or bellow or gets a proc off (have you SEEN good
tanks? they proc every 2 seconds, literally!), the mob turns back to
the tank, SW lands, and suddenly it's back ON the cleric or me. I need
to hear some testimony on this. Maybe it's awesome for kiting, like
you hit your pet with it and can resume kiting? Wouldn't chain tash
work though? It's tash, everything hates tash. Not sure what to make
of SW.
Eldritch rune is uber. I only have rank 3 - what are the numbers on
the additional ranks? Is it worthwhile from a casual point of view, or
is it actually more worthwhile in that view because i don't have my
epic (it would be my only instant rune)? Draconic rune takes a splt
second longer than i'm used to, maybe i'll use ER more?
My favorite aa's are permanant- and project- illusion. They're just
FUN. You can't beat fun. Winning is not as fun, per se, as laughing
your ass off.
Buff duration ... i have a few points in this, and there are many
points to be had. How worthwhile is it? I sort of like reapplying
buffs in groups, it ensures my place. Is that insecure? I see the mana
benefits to casting less (a lot less) frequently, but it seems there
are tons more issues. A half a minute of downtime gives tons of mana
you won't have a chance to use, you know? I only hurt for mana after a
rez, and longer buffs won't affect me in those start-up moments. Seems
really like a polish AA and i'm not in any rush presently.
Charm aa's - yum. I don't have any, i was going to get TD but i could
never justify it. I feel like i'll have to get to 75 and get my
highest charm spell and see where i'm actually xp'ing (and capable of
soloing) before i can truly consider this. There's also the edict of
command AA which sounds like a fixed duration charm for xp-lvl mobs,
but that seems too good to be true, like the cleric's full hp/mana rez
- i would never use it, i would keep it in the box because i'd always
feel i'd wasted it. My main lack of justification is that i don't LIKE
soloing. How long will i solo while LFG? Am i going to worry, really?
Seems like EoC would be great for when i'm in a group and we need to
break a camp - having a guaranteed pet would make that incredibly
easy, especially if you know exactly when the charm will break. I
haven't been in a group that's been centered around charming since BoT
or Tipt/Vxed. Do we get to relive those days in the newer expansions?
I would get TD quickly if so.
Spell crits and crit damage boost are cool AA's but i never got around
to taking them seriously. I nuke a lot. A lot. That's because i often
end up in boring situations. No adds in camp, the puller is a pro, i'm
on a raid and nuking the same boss for 10 minutes. I hate eq like
that. I recognize the constant nuking is a great reason to invest in
these AA's, but that feels like giving up and admitting worthlessness.
Maybe i'm jaded from raids with thousands of offtanks and clerics
where enchanters were just there to mgb haste and crack.
Mez masterty i don't have but will get as soon as i get to 75 unless i
stop to get it on the way (depends on if i get my pbAE mez for 70+
content or not).
The AA that "shifts you slightly out of the corporal plane" must be
fun. I think there's one that shadowsteps you too? I'm curious about
what they really do, if they really help, or if they're just tools to
beg for more time for a heal to hit you. If the non-shadowstep one
makes your character model translucent, i'll get that in a heartbeat,
that's awesome. I would have too much fun with that.
Pet control seemed stupid until i got the 71 pet, it hits for 80's so
i figure it's a decent enough dot to have around. I have rank 2 so i
can sic it on whatever i want. Maybe it was too many aa's to spend on
pet dps (like the same amount of aa's in nuking power would have been
more overall dps), but i had a ton saved up from when i quit so i just
got this on a whim. Oh well. I'll never get rank 3...why would i want
my pet to back off? I could just cast a mez or, failing that, kill the
pet and cast a new one - the few hundred mana anytime i want my pet
off something and need it off right away is worth way more than the aa
cost of rank 3.
Avoidance AA's i have up to LR5 ... and i have no mitigation (i sort
of like being hit for max, it's dying in style). Would be curious to
hear about the rest of the ranks (it goes to 15 right?) and whether
mitigation is ever really going to do anything for the low-hp
enchanter (i LIKE my low hp, it's proof the enchanter is a skill class
above all others).
Stats i can't see myself ever doing, that's micromanagement and not in
a good way. Your INT is 100pts higher than mine? Good for you, i can
still get along just fine.
I don't have subtelty but i don't tend to pull aggro - i see this as
useful but i think since most high lvl mezzes come with a blur
component, getting the memblur aa would be more useful. How do you
pull aggro nowadays anyway? I admit i've only got maybe 10 hrs playing
(the last week) in the last 2 years, but i never pulled aggro and i
really never did pull aggro anyway. Tash and slow, timed right, aren't
going to piss in the mob's wheaties. That's speaking generally.
Hanging with the people i've been hanging with, the fastest i can
possibly cast those spells (following it with our slow-cast nukes,
chained) won't pull aggro. Maybe if i get into chain runing to help
healers i'll need this. Despite what everyone says, this just isn't a
'need' AA (yet).
Gather mana is something i want and will get eventually. I know i
should have it, it's old and cool, but oh well. I don't know if its
utility has diminished somewhat with mana potions and crazy FT gear
and bards and the fact that it only takes like 30 seconds after a rez
to be able to cast a decent crack buff. As in, when do i *need*
literally *all* my mana? And i noticed those crystal AA's - i don't
know anything about those but if i can get a little headstart on my
mana after a rez, i know i won't need gather mana. I could see gather
mana being alright way down the road when i'm charm soloing / chain
nuking ... but presently, only when i'm the only enc on a raid (and
need to mgb one buff and by-group another buff). I don't feel bad
about not having it.
I know i'm forgetting a ton. I can't even find a website that has all
the aa's on it, except magelo. Maybe i'll go check there and post