Lance Berg
2007-08-18 11:37:42 UTC
So I recently put things into high gear and PLed my son's mage from 36
to 47. Half of that was MM's, as DODH just opened for the Combine
server, the other half was actual PLing, with my SK using self DS plus
clicky DS plus potion DS plus the mage's DS, and just standing there
with multiple mobs beating on him while the mage did a little damage to
each. Sometimes, I'd pick one of the group and kill it myself to keep
my HP up, no exp for the mage on that one, but we had no healer and this
was a good way to keep going.
At any rate, once he hit 47, he was able to group with me for exp, and
it turns out he gets a pretty good chunk. Killing P&E down in PoJ Death
Row, he gets about a blue per kill, and it goes much faster and smoother
with me actually trying to kill the mobs instead of just waiting for
them to kill themselves on my DS.
Got him up to 50, and a friend wanted to go over to Ferubi to pick up a
Torn page for her cleric. Well we grouped up, and I tried to box the
mage over while my son was having lunch. Died on the way in, dunno if I
got close to a see invis mob or invis just broke. Oh well, got rez,
looted, memmed spells, and went back to my SK getting set up. Looked
back at the laptop and the little guy was dead again. Cleric zoned out,
body nowhere to be found. I zoned out, used locate corpse and found
him, all the way across the zone somewhere. Weird. OK, dragged him
back, got him rezzed and looted and ran back across the zone so whatever
roamer wouldn't kill him again. Back to the SK. Look over after a
minute, he's dead again. This time though there hasn't been so much
spam and I can read what happened... he was denied access to the zone
due to his level, punted back to the succor spot in Qinimi, which has an
aggro mob in aggro range, and I hadn't invised him. I doubtless did the
same thing to him the first time, tried to zone, and just forgot I'd
done that, thought I'd left him sitting there to get mana back.
SOOOO the point of this story is, I'm now grouping a 50 mage with my 70
SK, and want to know which zones he's not allowed to enter. I knew
about the POP zones, but didn't think this happened much outside there.
Is there a list somewhere of which zones require what levels?
Further, we had 5 high level people in Ferubi, but the 50 mage was still
getting kicked. What happened to the 85/15 rule? Is there a list of
which zones do and do not allow that rule for alternate access?
Finally, I'm looking for zones where we can duo where I can get
something worthwhile, be it faction or loot or exp, and yet he can make
a noticable contribution. That will get easier and easier as he
continues to level up of course.
to 47. Half of that was MM's, as DODH just opened for the Combine
server, the other half was actual PLing, with my SK using self DS plus
clicky DS plus potion DS plus the mage's DS, and just standing there
with multiple mobs beating on him while the mage did a little damage to
each. Sometimes, I'd pick one of the group and kill it myself to keep
my HP up, no exp for the mage on that one, but we had no healer and this
was a good way to keep going.
At any rate, once he hit 47, he was able to group with me for exp, and
it turns out he gets a pretty good chunk. Killing P&E down in PoJ Death
Row, he gets about a blue per kill, and it goes much faster and smoother
with me actually trying to kill the mobs instead of just waiting for
them to kill themselves on my DS.
Got him up to 50, and a friend wanted to go over to Ferubi to pick up a
Torn page for her cleric. Well we grouped up, and I tried to box the
mage over while my son was having lunch. Died on the way in, dunno if I
got close to a see invis mob or invis just broke. Oh well, got rez,
looted, memmed spells, and went back to my SK getting set up. Looked
back at the laptop and the little guy was dead again. Cleric zoned out,
body nowhere to be found. I zoned out, used locate corpse and found
him, all the way across the zone somewhere. Weird. OK, dragged him
back, got him rezzed and looted and ran back across the zone so whatever
roamer wouldn't kill him again. Back to the SK. Look over after a
minute, he's dead again. This time though there hasn't been so much
spam and I can read what happened... he was denied access to the zone
due to his level, punted back to the succor spot in Qinimi, which has an
aggro mob in aggro range, and I hadn't invised him. I doubtless did the
same thing to him the first time, tried to zone, and just forgot I'd
done that, thought I'd left him sitting there to get mana back.
SOOOO the point of this story is, I'm now grouping a 50 mage with my 70
SK, and want to know which zones he's not allowed to enter. I knew
about the POP zones, but didn't think this happened much outside there.
Is there a list somewhere of which zones require what levels?
Further, we had 5 high level people in Ferubi, but the 50 mage was still
getting kicked. What happened to the 85/15 rule? Is there a list of
which zones do and do not allow that rule for alternate access?
Finally, I'm looking for zones where we can duo where I can get
something worthwhile, be it faction or loot or exp, and yet he can make
a noticable contribution. That will get easier and easier as he
continues to level up of course.