Wotlk! The DPS of Death Knight
(too old to reply)
2008-09-09 11:34:53 UTC
Blizzard said that Death Knight can both tank and dps.
But the fact is Death Knight cant use a shield!
More and more players are paying attention on the dps Death
Knight.there are 3 different talent trees: blood, frost and unholly.
Who should do what damage in what order is a very touchy subject that
ends up causing a lot of arguments.Durling TBC, among the dps classes
in a raid, none should be double any of the others, and ideally nobody
is 50% ahead of anyone else.(well, if the players have the same level
items. Expect some crazy guys who have spent tons of wow gold to
upgrade their items. The recipe of “Gloves of Immortal Dusk” on some
realms will charge over 10000 wow gold.)
The design of LK, even more so than BC, is that the different dps
specs are very close in potential. Overall, Blood, Frost and Unholy
should do the same damage. Because of the kinds of damage they do, it
probably won't even out on any single fight, but overall that's the
Don't look at the data parse, the skill of the player and the
specific encounter are quite different. If you wanna be the VIP in
dps, as I mentioned, find out a cheap gold site,purchase some wow gold
Check www.thecheapwowgold.com for more information about dps
Don Woods
2008-09-10 01:04:05 UTC
Blizzard said [a bunch of WOW stuff irrelevant to EQ]
I was wondering why this clown was posting to the EQ group, but it
Check [WOW gold-seller URL] for more information about dps
A gold spammer trying to use some cheesy analysis as an advertising
draw. Oh well, probably means he won't ever see any replies, but if

-- Don.

-- See the a.g.e/EQ1 FAQ at http://www.iCynic.com/~don/EQ/age.faq.htm
-- Sukrasisx, Monk 80 on E. Marr Note: If you reply by mail,
-- Terrwini, Druid 63 on E. Marr I'll get to it sooner if you
-- Teviron, Knight 59 on E. Marr remove the "hyphen n s"
-- Wizbeau, Wizard 36 on E. Marr
2008-09-11 23:32:45 UTC
Post by Don Woods
Blizzard said [a bunch of WOW stuff irrelevant to EQ]
I was wondering why this clown was posting to the EQ group, but it
Check [WOW gold-seller URL] for more information about dps
A gold spammer trying to use some cheesy analysis as an advertising
draw. Oh well, probably means he won't ever see any replies, but if
-- Don.
-- See the a.g.e/EQ1 FAQ at http://www.iCynic.com/~don/EQ/age.faq.htm
Funny, it actually made me start thinking about dps ratios and who
should get what.

I don't personally see a problem with having a dps class out-damage
another class by 50% or more, as long as there are some equal

For instance, it's quite reasonable to assume a wizard, with one shot,
can nuke the ever-lovin bejeesus out of a mob while a monk could never
hope to match it in a single shot or even several. *But* if that
wizard caught the attention of the mob, and he should, he gets the
skirt beaten right off him whereas the monk can take a few hits *and*
FD if needed.

I'd be cool with that....

2008-09-12 10:28:09 UTC
Post by Faeandar
Post by Don Woods
   Blizzard said [a bunch of WOW stuff irrelevant to EQ]
I was wondering why this clown was posting to the EQ group, but it
   Check [WOW gold-seller URL] for more information about dps
A gold spammer trying to use some cheesy analysis as an advertising
draw.  Oh well, probably means he won't ever see any replies, but if
   -- Don.
-- See the a.g.e/EQ1 FAQ athttp://www.iCynic.com/~don/EQ/age.faq.htm
Funny, it actually made me start thinking about dps ratios and who
should get what.
I don't personally see a problem with having a dps class out-damage
another class by 50% or more, as long as there are some equal
For instance, it's quite reasonable to assume a wizard, with one shot,
can nuke the ever-lovin bejeesus out of a mob while a monk could never
hope to match it in a single shot or even several.  *But* if that
wizard caught the attention of the mob, and he should, he gets the
skirt beaten right off him whereas the monk can take a few hits *and*
FD if needed.
Would it work though? I think that it would work in the game if it
weren't for the whiners that would inevitably complain about the dps
that the wizard can do and how the other classes can't do it. They
wouldn't pay attention to the fact that the wizard's dps is capped by
threat - they'd just look at the numbers that they can theoretically
put out (for all of 5 seconds until they get squished)
Post by Faeandar
I'd be cool with that....
I think that most wouldn't be - well, most if you measure by volume of
complaints anyway.

2008-09-12 15:18:03 UTC
On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 03:28:09 -0700 (PDT), "steve.kaye"
Post by steve.kaye
Post by Faeandar
Funny, it actually made me start thinking about dps ratios and who
should get what.
I don't personally see a problem with having a dps class out-damage
another class by 50% or more, as long as there are some equal
For instance, it's quite reasonable to assume a wizard, with one shot,
can nuke the ever-lovin bejeesus out of a mob while a monk could never
hope to match it in a single shot or even several.  *But* if that
wizard caught the attention of the mob, and he should, he gets the
skirt beaten right off him whereas the monk can take a few hits *and*
FD if needed.
Would it work though? I think that it would work in the game if it
weren't for the whiners that would inevitably complain about the dps
that the wizard can do and how the other classes can't do it. They
wouldn't pay attention to the fact that the wizard's dps is capped by
threat - they'd just look at the numbers that they can theoretically
put out (for all of 5 seconds until they get squished)
Post by Faeandar
I'd be cool with that....
I think that most wouldn't be - well, most if you measure by volume of
complaints anyway.
Yea, whining always seems to win out. Money I guess.....

God I long for the days of the EQ of old when 30 people got gang raped
at the entrance to Black Burrow because of a train from the deep.
When you had to find an uber necro to summon your corpse out of the
Hole. When dying had consequences so you figured out tactics and
strategies to avoid it if possible, recover quickly if not.

Even in Vanguard, which was supposed to be the next gen hardcore gamer
game, it's retarded easy. No real consequences for death, easy-kill
mobs if you have even half a clue, but still a metric assload of tards
who worry about single pulling mobs. Jeebus, I'm getting old and

Luckily the House O' Booze has ready made groups every week so we can
tear it up as we wish. But pickup groups are tough sometimes....

I digressed, the dps ratio's won't happen for the reason you said.


2008-09-12 10:21:55 UTC
Post by Don Woods
   Blizzard said [a bunch of WOW stuff irrelevant to EQ]
I was wondering why this clown was posting to the EQ group, but it
It was actually very good spam when it was in the correct group. I
read it to the end and was going to comment until it became clear that
it was a gold spammer. Of course, very good still wasn't good enough
to tempt me to follow the link. :P
