Lance Berg
2007-11-18 00:28:54 UTC
OK, this has been bugging me on and off for years, since they introduced
Unpredicably, sometimes people can open a trade window with you while
you're on a mount, and sometimes they can't
IT never seemed to be consistent, and wasn't really a solid enough
nuisance to really work on.
Well yesterday I finally figured it out.
I'm sure I'm not the first, and probably others have told me what to
do... but they never explained why and I never really got it consistently
Trading back and forth between my bot and myself though, both with
mounts, I was able to see exactly what was happening, instead of just
someone trying to trade with me and saying they couldn't, or me trying
to trade with them and getting the 'drop stuff on the floor' message.
Looking at it, turns out that if I trade down low in the center, I can
open a window, while anywhere else on the horse or the rider fails.
Even Under the horse, clicking on air, works, as long as its in the
center under the rider
When I brought this up, other people told me their workaround; click on
the stirrups, or on the riders feet.
That works. lower works too, higher doesn't.
Because (and here's the revelation) you have to click on where the
player would be if he wasn't mounted. The mount is an illusion, really
the toon is occupying only its original space. That means its standing
on the ground, with its shoulders at around that "stirrup height"
Further, it has to be that way, because some people won't have the new
model turned on for that race; the old model has no horse and is just
standing there.
People who don't have the new model on for you never have any trouble
trading with you. You never have trouble trading with someone who has
the old model.
Because the old model is where they really are, not up on that big
illusion of a horse.
Unpredicably, sometimes people can open a trade window with you while
you're on a mount, and sometimes they can't
IT never seemed to be consistent, and wasn't really a solid enough
nuisance to really work on.
Well yesterday I finally figured it out.
I'm sure I'm not the first, and probably others have told me what to
do... but they never explained why and I never really got it consistently
Trading back and forth between my bot and myself though, both with
mounts, I was able to see exactly what was happening, instead of just
someone trying to trade with me and saying they couldn't, or me trying
to trade with them and getting the 'drop stuff on the floor' message.
Looking at it, turns out that if I trade down low in the center, I can
open a window, while anywhere else on the horse or the rider fails.
Even Under the horse, clicking on air, works, as long as its in the
center under the rider
When I brought this up, other people told me their workaround; click on
the stirrups, or on the riders feet.
That works. lower works too, higher doesn't.
Because (and here's the revelation) you have to click on where the
player would be if he wasn't mounted. The mount is an illusion, really
the toon is occupying only its original space. That means its standing
on the ground, with its shoulders at around that "stirrup height"
Further, it has to be that way, because some people won't have the new
model turned on for that race; the old model has no horse and is just
standing there.
People who don't have the new model on for you never have any trouble
trading with you. You never have trouble trading with someone who has
the old model.
Because the old model is where they really are, not up on that big
illusion of a horse.